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What is LiDAR?

By gridvision

LiDAR (an acronym for Light Detection and Ranging)  is a surveying method which measures distances by using pulsed laser light to illuminate the target and a sensor to measure the reflected return signals.

When it comes to powerlines, LiDAR surveys are an effective way to map existing overhead powerline networks along with their surrounding terrain and other relevant features such as vegetation, buildings and other structures.

Overhead powerline corridors are not often in easily accessible locations, which can make survey and inspection of these network assets difficult.

Aerial surveys can be the answer – a LiDAR system operating from within a low-altitude aircraft has no difficulty with accessing and surveying large areas of even the roughest terrain quickly, safely and cost-effectively.

LiDAR surveying via aircraft captures millions of datapoints with centimeter precision, which can then be processed into a 3D point cloud  representing the surveyed space.

The point cloud information can be classified and processed further to develop a 3D model of an overhead powerline network, which provides accurate location information of conductors, poles and structures, vegetation, and site terrain along powerline corridors.

Vegetation within close proximity of the powerline corridor and conductors can be identified and highlighted with ease from survey data. This allows for a proactive approach to maintenance, allowing crews to remove encroaching vegetation before it has a chance to cause problems. Damage to powerline conductors, interruption of electricity supply, flashovers, or even fires are just some of the events that can occur if branches come into contact with or bridge across live conductors.

Aerial LiDAR surveys also capture the precise location of conductor wires in space relative to the ground beneath them. This allows for accurate measurement of ground clearance heights beneath powerline corridors, data which is essential to know particularly when operating mobile equipment or heavy machinery in close proximity or beneath powerlines.


Aerial Surveying

Aerial Inspections


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