Major QLD Coal Mine Powerline Inspection
Customer StoriesGridvision Powerline Inspections at a Major QLD Coal Mine
In 2018 Gridvision facilitated overhead powerline network inspections at a major Queensland coal mine. The inspections included both aerial surveying, followed by aerial pole top condition monitoring
The mine now has access to a detailed 3D model of their entire site, which includes all overhead powerlines, terrain and vegetation at the time of the flyover LiDAR survey.
Surprisingly, the model is not only used by maintenance personnel in the electrical department. Mining, surveying, environmental and even production departments have also made extensive use of this user-friendly tool to visualise information for various tasks.
Site Details
One of Queensland’s major open-cut coal mines, the mine site was an excellent candidate for aerial powerline inspections due to the sheer size of the mining lease and associated sprawl of powerline infrastructure.
Aerial Inspection
The LiDAR aerial inspection resulted in a 3D model of the site and its overhead powerlines. Vegetation and powerline height clearance data was also obtained, instantly highlighting a number of vegetation defects. These defects may have otherwise taken a large amount of man-hours and potentially weeks to identify.
Aerial Pole Top Inspection
The LiDAR survey and modelling was followed by an aerial pole-top condition inspection, where helicopter aircraft captured high-resolution photograph images of pole tops from multiple angles. A team professionals completed a full audit of the images captured. The data obtained allowed for pole top defects, such as broken crossarms and insulators, to be easily identified and prioritised for repair, based on their severity.
Aerial Surveying
Aerial Inspections
The Challenge
Due to the size of the site, previously used ground inspection methods had proven to be a difficult and time-consuming method for identifying maintenance issues across the site’s overhead powerline network. Terrain accessibility in some areas also made ground inspection difficult.
Aerial surveying and inspections were required to assist with:
• Creation of a 3D model of the site and overhead powerlines
• Identifying vegetation encroachment in powerline corridors
• Collection of powerline height clearance data
• Condition reporting on the entire site network
The Solution
The LiDAR network mapping and pole top condition inspections resulted in:
• Precision 3D model of powerline network and associated vegetation
• Encroaching vegetation issues able to be prioritised by proximity/risk
• Hundreds of high-resolution photographs detailing pole top condition
• Identification of priority maintenance issues, such as broken insulators and split crossarms
The Results
• A detailed, auditable 3D model used by multiple departments to visualise powerline locations and terrain around the mine site
• Instant identification of maintenance defects across the site
• Prioritisation of vegetation defects according to proximity to lines
• Prioritisation of pole top defects according to severity
• Reduced risk of power outages, infrastructure damage and bush fires due to new targeted, proactive maintenance approach
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